Global Top 10 Best Performing iOS Devices, December 2019

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The year 2020 has arrived, and with it the beginningof a new decade of the 21st century. The years go by so fast. Mobile phoneshave gone through earth-shaking changes in the past two decades. What will mobile phones look like in the next decade?How mobile phones will change our lives in the future? We are looking forwardto the answers.

Today Antutu reveals our list of the Top 10best performing iOS devices of December based on data collected from Antutudatabase between December 1, 2019 to December 31, 2019. The list consists ofiOS devices that have at least 1,000 units running Antutu V8 and the scores areaveraged across all devices rather than the highest recorded scores of eachmodel, making the results more representative. Additionally, the list includesboth iPhone and iPad products.

It should be noted that the data of thismonth’s list is derived from Antutu V8, in which we have included the new testscene Terracotta Warriors and updated the test algorithms. Therefore, the scoresin the list are not comparable to V7 scores.

Global Top 10 Best Performing iOS Devices, December 2019

In December, the first two spots on the iOSlist are still occupied by iPad Pro 3 (12.9-inch) and iPad Pro 3 (11-inch),which achieve an average Antutu score of 725,665 and 714,563 pointsrespectively. Both the two 2018 iPads are powered by Apple’s most powerful chip,A12X Bionic, and will be likely to steadily remain on the top two spots untilApple releases new iPad products.

iPhone 11 Pro Max, iPhone 11 Pro and iPhone11 take the next three spots on the list with an average Antutu score of 547,193,546,005 and 522,170 points.

Other devices that have made it to the listof the top 10 best performing iOS devices are iPad Air 3 (avg. score: 49,9471),iPad mini5avg. score: 480,479), iPhone XSavg. score: 457,276), iPhone XS Maxavg. score: 453,089and iPhone XRavg. score: 428,982). All the fivedevices are powered by the A12 Bionic chipset and therefore have similar performance.As for older iOS devices, they have no chances to enter the top 10 list at all. 

Above is the list of global Top 10 bestperforming iOS devices for the month of December. Those who are familiarwith the iOS list may have noticed that the ranking of this month is the samewith that of last month with minor differences in scores. Although it’s already2020 now, the list is expected to remain stable in the comingmonths before Apple releases the rumored iPhone SE2 in March.